At Crawford Avenue, we have a unique approach to small group life that utilizes two components working together hand-in-hand. Those two components are called “Community Groups” and “Cohorts.”
For Community Groups [CGs] we meet in homes in different neighborhoods throughout the week for fellowship, prayer, and outreach. On Sunday mornings we have time set aside explicitly for Bible study on our church campus; these studies take place in larger groups called “Cohorts.” These larger groups are comprised of 2-4 CGs from different neighborhoods. The time we have together on Sunday mornings is a continuation of the relationships we develop in our CGs. We meet from 9:00am-10:00am, giving us plenty of time to gather for worship at 10:30am.
Your Cohort will be assigned to you based on your CG. We encourage you to try to be in the same CG from semester to semester when possible, but this is also a good time to try another group that works better for your schedule if need be. To change your CG, notify your leader directly; otherwise, you will remain registered for your previous CG.