Join us on Sunday mornings as we meet together to worship God. 

Here's an idea of what you can expect on Sunday morning. 


On Sunday mornings we meet at 10:30am for gathered worship. Each service lasts about an hour and thirty minutes. We worship God by reading and hearing from His Word, singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, reciting confessions of faith, giving tithes and offerings, and praying together. Preaching is central to our gatherings, and most preaching at CABC is expositional. This means that the sermon is derived from a particular passage of Scripture; the focus and message of the passage is the focus and message of the sermon. After the sermon, we sing a song of response and conclude our service. 


The ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper are also crucial elements of our corporate worship. We celebrate together the baptism of those who profess faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and whose lives evidence genuine repentance of sin. As we partake of the Lord’s Supper, we celebrate our redemption by confessing our sins, remembering our Lord’s death, and rejoicing in His all-sufficient sacrifice. 


Our primary criteria for songs on Sunday morning are biblical fidelity, theological richness, singability, and corporate edification. We aim for the music at CABC to be a blend of old and new, traditional and contemporary, historic and modern.  If you come to worship with us, you may very well hear a song that you have never heard before, whether it is a sixteenth century hymn or twenty-first century chorus. This variety allows us to enjoy other genres of music we had not previously encountered, and it enables us to sing with the larger voice of the church that spans over 2,000 years. Our singing is congregational, which encourages the full and active participation of all present. We have no desire to wow you with musical prowess; we simply want to provide a platform for the congregation to worship the Lord together through song.


Scripture tells us that "man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." We want our attire to be modest and honoring to God, but not a distraction or hindrance as we gather to worship. On a typical Sunday some members wear a coat and tie, while others wear shorts and flip-flops.